Threshing Floor Tabernacle

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  • Jul24Sun

    Effects of Revival

    July 24, 2016

    “And they were amazed at His teaching, for His word was with authority and ability and weight and power.” Lk 4:32 AMP

    For the Glory of the Lord will be revealed, and His Mighty Power will be made known unto this generation. It is the prayers of the righteous that have prevailed and aroused the Lord to reveal Himself to the people. More than empty promises of words which have been conceived out of the soul of humanity, true words are coming from the Throne of God that carry authority, ability, weight and power.

    If we look around us we can clearly see something is happening. From a human perspective we see chaos, confusion, and disorder. From a biblical perspective we see I Tim 4:1; II Tim 3:1-5 played out before our eyes. The only solution to this madness is a MOVE of GOD! Praise God, He is moving. The Psalmist said in Psalm 85:6, “Wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?”

    One of the attributes of revival is that people begin to rejoice in the Lord as they come alive to Him. God is not dead, but there is a tendency for His people to become dead to Him. A strong indicator of coming alive to God is there will be joy for Him and in Him! Even King David prayed to the Lord to restore to him the joy of His salvation (see Psalm 51:12). We’re at our best when we enjoy the One we’re with and what we’re doing for Him. Revival has to take place in the Heart where the attributes are manifest and affects everyone.

    A lack of interest towards the things of God is a strong indicator of spiritual death – that separation from God which leaves us gasping for the air of vain things that can never satisfy our hungry and thirsty soul. Only Jesus can make you alive, satisfy the emptiness, and cause you to go after the things of God. His word carries authority and ability and weight and power to change you, transform you, and make you the man and woman of God you were created to be.

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