Threshing Floor Tabernacle

Pastor's Corner Logo


  • Jun23Sun

    Kingdom/Church Culture Part 3

    June 23, 2013
    Filed Under:
    Re-Defining the Church

    “JUST DO IT!

    1 So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.  2 Don’t become so well-adjusted to your...
  • Jun16Sun

    Kingdom/Church Culture Part 2

    June 16, 2013
    Filed Under:
    Re-Defining the Church
    The Holy ghost comes to make us effective witnesses unto Jesus in the earth. By grace we are saved through faith but by the baptism with the Holy Ghost we receive power. the power is for E-V-E-R-Y Believer. The reason we know this is the very same reason we know how, when, and why we are saved – the Bible says so. If we can believe the...
  • Jun9Sun

    Kingdom/Church Culture Part 1

    June 9, 2013
    Filed Under:
    Re-Defining the Church

    The word culture is defined by Webster’s dictionary as:

    a: the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations   -

    knowledge + belief = behavior – Pastor Killings

    b:  the customary beliefs, social forms,...

  • Jun2Sun

    The Power of The Holy Ghost

    June 2, 2013
    Filed Under:
    Re-Defining the Church
    As we re-define the Church, we have to understand that we’re not speaking about a natural edifice or building or structure.  The Church is comprised of born-again believers that walk (live) in the authoritative Word of the Living God endued with power from on high.  Therefore, to re-define something means that it use to exist...
  • May26Sun

    We Are God's Handiwork

    May 26, 2013
    Filed Under:
    Re-Defining the Church

    Arise, and go down to the potter’s house…” Jer 18:2

    That was the instruction to Jeremiah from the Lord. The Father, by His Spirit, can talk to us through prophets, dreams, visions, or actual circumstances. God wanted to show Jeremiah what He is capable of doing if His people were to turn back to Him, and then charged Jeremiah...
  • May19Sun

    Pentecost is Here!

    May 19, 2013
    Filed Under:
    Re-Defining the Church
    With Passover season gone, we now enter into the season of Pentecost.  Pentecost means fiftieth and marks the fiftieth day from Passover.  It is one of the main celebrated festivals of Israel that still bears significance today.
    • It marked the day that the law was given on Mount Sinai.
    • It marked the day of the descent of the Holy Ghost...
  • A man with an argument is always at the mercy of a man with an experience. To some Christians, Pentecost tongues is just a phenomenon that occurred once to present the Gospel in other languages.  Their argument is, “Tongues are no longer necessary because we have the Bible in different languages now.”  Well, I beg to...

  • May5Sun

    The Message of the Church

    May 5, 2013
    Filed Under:
    Re-Defining the Church

    In Acts chapter 6 we read about the first martyr of the New Testament Church, Stephen, one of the seven deacons who was full of faith and power and did great wonders and miracles. Called to serve tables, Stephen was the first among the New Testament disciples to experience death as a result of the preaching of the Gospel.

    In Fox’s Book Of...

  • When the Holy Ghost came down upon the 120 in the upper room, their lives were changed forever. They went from being fearful, uncertain, and guessing, to being empowered by the same Spirit that dwells within you and I – The Holy Ghost. His entrance was dramatic in the sense that it was a “sound” as of a rushing mighty wind. It...